My Ghost Town | Teen Ink

My Ghost Town

September 16, 2015
By 6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the ghost town.
The place where the people are out but never in.
Just me and my kin...
My childhood wasting a cry.
But to me those years have just flown by.

I am from one house to the next
Me and my older brother switching a bed set

From shooting hoops at the neighborhood basketball court.
From daylight to dawn, the time drifted, I kept track
From the sweat dripping down my back
From Milwaukee to Hartland...I never looked back.

From childhood and life passing rightly.
Memories embracing tightly.
Just me and my kin…
This is the ghost town that we are in.

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