I Know Better | Teen Ink

I Know Better

October 17, 2015
By shreyaNOTsara BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
shreyaNOTsara BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have a brother
With an addiction disorder
His once young skin, so luminescent
Turned gray when he became an adolescent
He goes to the gym everyday
“He’s a handsome boy!” they say

But I know better

He takes steroids
Builds up his muscles, pectoids and deltoids
But at the same time
Barely weighs more than a feather
Hardly ever

I have a sister
She is beautiful
She is smart
But it is pitiful

That I know better

She is more concerned with her figure
Than her focus in studies
But she knows in her inner physique
That Mom will give her a good shake
When those A+’s turn out to be fake

I don’t understand
Why does weight worry women?
Why do males aim to be more than the medium?
Why does society study us with an eagle’s eye?
We are all equal
So why does my brother use a needle?
And my sister eat nothing but air?

I have a brother with an addiction
And a sister with an eating disorder
And they are the beautiful ones in the family

The author's comments:

This piece is not associated with the poet's own family.

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