Little Fighter | Teen Ink

Little Fighter

November 24, 2015
By JudyHa BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
JudyHa BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes yellow and laden of unknowing pain
Gangly limbs, proof of her constant hunger
Strained, short breaths exhausted
from her small thin mouth
A sharp ache that slowly drains her life

Chained and carved by her disease
Yet never able to hide her exotic beauty
Doe eyes rounded by childlike innocence
Hair braided tautly in intricate swirls
Bright pink dress draped over her chocolatey complexion

My heart falters at the oldness in her posture
Shoulders hunched inward, belly pushed outward
No longer able to run, she sits on the side
Forced to be watched over by the adults
Gazing with longing at the kids playing

But when I run to her, her eyes light up
Her shy smile dubious of my love
Tiny hands in perfect lock with mine
My heart, stolen from one glance of her eyes

The author's comments:

This poetry is about a Haitian girl I met in my mission trip to Haiti. I instantly fell in love with her and I made it my goal to show her love. She has a heart complication which is why she is unlike the rowdy kids.

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