Don't Forget To Breathe | Teen Ink

Don't Forget To Breathe

November 27, 2015
By kd4738 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
kd4738 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People, classmates, friends, family,
They like to ask me:
“How do you handle it?”
“How do you wake up at 5 AM?”
“How do you get through all your classes?”
“How do you do it once…
And then do it all over again?”

I want to remind them:
I chose to do this.
I chose commitment.
I chose something that wasn’t going to be easy.
I knew that I’d be tired.

And always,
I wish,
that they could experience what I have:
The sisterhood that comes with being on a team,
A team that spends far too much time with each other.
The second family that forms,
Because the girl’s team,
And the guy’s team,
Are the only other people in the entire school,
That understand what it truly means,
When one of us says:
“I’m so tired.”

I want them to know about,
The sense of accomplishment that only comes with completing a hard workout,
One that makes you lose your breath,
But also allows you to learn so much more,
About yourself.
Your efforts.
Your dedication.

And, of course,
I make time for myself.
I hang out with friends.
I have dinner with my family.
And I always remind myself,
Even though my sport dictates that I should do my best to avoid it,
To not forget to breathe.

The author's comments:

Swimming is probably the biggest extracurricular committment that I have, and it's just seriously a huge part of my life.

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