The Great Pyramid--Tumbles to the Ground | Teen Ink

The Great Pyramid--Tumbles to the Ground

December 7, 2015
By 6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun
peeks over the horizon,
shining brightly. Insects echo in my ear,
a sound I’ve grown numb to. Workers gather
like a flock of geese, preparing to work. Men direct
exhaustively, with eyes sewed shut. I hear a crack. “Oh no!” he gasps.
A block falls out of place.We cringe--wishing it was the last. Blocks plummet
to the ground, one after another. We sprint sporadically--trembling with terror.
All our dedication and hard work--crumbled to dust. Exasperated sighs exit our bodies,
saddened to lose hundreds of hours. We scan the area, devastated. All that’s left: a pile of debris.

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