Happiness | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It feels so empty without you, so come here.

Masked and unknown

Hidden far and never shown

Are these cursed tears


Forever they flow

But I promise they will never show

Never will I let them


This smiling pretending face

Will never stop its chase

To eternal happiness


It hides excruciating pain

And along with the hidden tears

I am silently in vain


Like all things

I am troubled and trapped

But never will I give up


Masked and unknown

Hidden far and never shown 

Is my heavy sigh


But through the lonely sigh

I will find bliss

I will reach the sky

The author's comments:

I wanted to inspire people, and I have always loved poetry. So, I decided I could do both by writing an inspirational poem. Enjoy.

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