I Am Spongebob | Teen Ink

I Am Spongebob

January 6, 2016
By mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A friend is there for you when others are not.

A friend will cheer you up and hug you a lot.

A friend is the sibling you never had.
A friend is with whom you can never get mad.

A friend is like Spongebob--always making you laugh.
A friend is the person that speaks on your behalf.

A friend is the one that makes you chatty.
A friend is with whom you share your last Krabby Patty.

A friend will come over to go jellyfishing,
but a friend will first help you with the homework you’re finishing

A friend is whom you ask for a lend.
A friend will be with you until the end.

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