Earrings | Teen Ink


January 5, 2016
By 6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not only me but my mom, dad, two sisters, and brother, all have piercings.  No not on our stomachs, no not on our lips, no not on our cheeks, but solely on our ears.  My mother's earrings are too many to count, like the rings in an old oak tree trunk.  My dad old but yet looks as if he's 20 shares the same as the rest of the children.  Both his earrings, as shiny as two new pins.  He never lets them grow old and weary, always with the diamonds as bright as the solstice sun.  My two sisters, as sweet as sugar, show off their personality with their marvelous, mischievous colors as the sun glares down at their bling.  Jaylen the bold yet calm slate, his earrings stand still as if they had never been touched.  To me we all have piercings, no not on our stomachs, no not on our lips, no not on our cheeks, but solely on our ears.

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