If-Then Yes. | Teen Ink

If-Then Yes.

January 28, 2016
By Artemis.Roe PLATINUM, Marysville, Michigan
Artemis.Roe PLATINUM, Marysville, Michigan
43 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well-behaved women seldom make history" ---Eleanor Roosevelt
"A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds." ~~Anonymous

Gray walls. Closing in. All around. If sanity were madness, and lunacy were stability, then yes. I’m of sound soul.
Rapid Palpitations of the heart. Shaky hands. Shot nerves. Swirling smoke. If salubrious was deleterious, and Addiction was sobriety, then yes. I am whole-souled aware.
Wealthy in mansions. Barely getting by in an apartment. Broken in a box. If the affluent were the destitute, and the penniless were opulent, then yes. I am of high society.
Staring. Laughing. Jerks and Mean Girls. If the popular and pulchritudinous were derelict and lurid. If the esoteric and eccentric were accepted and of ascendency, then yes. I am one of the most adored!
Shootings. Bombings. Murders and Manslaughter. If the abhorrent condemnation of craven clodhoppers were courageous endeavors for justice. And if the fool’s mortal assaults of mankind were nothing but paranoid dreams… Then, yes.
If this world was Errorless. Then, indeed. So am I.

The author's comments:

this piece started as one thing, but took a different turn, but it turned out well. its kinda of a veiw of the world we live in today...

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