Beautiful Sin | Teen Ink

Beautiful Sin

January 28, 2016
By SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like to read about beautiful words, of beautiful people and beautiful minds. Because honestly, they are all the things I wish of obtaining in reality."


They told me not to fall in love
But it’s kind of hard to stop yourself
Midair, from hitting the ground


You would have thought
That I was smart enough to listen
But I was too busy listening to the sound of your voice


And you warned me
Not to get attatched
Because you would only screw me over


I should have listened


But I was too busy searching
For the things that made you laugh
The way your Adam’s Apple bobbed when
I made you laugh


But could it have been
That long ago
Not even He told me
Not to eat off that
Apple tree


But I just wanted to hear you laugh
And fall for a sin


  As beautiful as you

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