I Am. | Teen Ink

I Am.

January 28, 2016
By hr.photography SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania
hr.photography SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like to read about beautiful words, of beautiful people and beautiful minds. Because honestly, they are all the things I wish of obtaining in reality."


I am the girl in the back of the classroom
For a smile
I am

I am the melody stuck in the back of your mind
For the day I escape onto your lips
I am

I am the wonderous works of sunlight
Draping from your windowsill
Just waitng to touch your fragile soul
But I know,
You are not mine to hold
I am

I am the whisper in the wind
Trying to capture your attention
Won’t you look at me?
I’m right in front of you now
Please tell me you see me
I am

I can’t see myself
Caked in all these worthless pieces of tomorrow
A spitting image of who they want me to be
Please let me know
I’m still here
I am

But you,
You are


You are the reason
For my smile
And the way I laugh
Like the shattering of glass
Breaking through that barrier
But only now realizing
It was bulletproof

You are a song worth screaming from the rooftops
Can you hear me?
If I’m louder,
Will you see me?

We are

We are all but a nostalgic yearning
That my mind has created us to be

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