Goodbye My Love | Teen Ink

Goodbye My Love

January 31, 2016
By iseeicey BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
iseeicey BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Entropy is perfect in my eyes. Luckily my life is utter chaos.- Icey

Let me write you a symphony.
Let my words ring with
The intricate sound of my beating heart.
While my soul resonates in your ears,
As my music fills you up
Til’ you overflow.

No shame if you hear my soliloquy.
I’ll confess my love to the gods in the sky,
And they will lift me up-
Your hands in mine,
And return the piece of you
That thought I had lost forever

My tears will attest for my love.
My cry will be my shield
Against the truth-
And the pain will linger
On the tips of my fingers
As I gently close my eyes.

Let my song reach the top of the heavens,
And the last note shake the gates of hell
May my aria give solace to the lost souls
So that you may find me
Somewhere between C major
And eternity.

The author's comments:

I see my pain as a song. And this was the song it sung when I found out I was losing someone close to my heart. I just want to remind people its okay to feel heartbroken sometimes.

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