Just Because | Teen Ink

Just Because

February 5, 2016
By TrinityAM SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
TrinityAM SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

just because i see you everyday doesn't mean i want to see you.
just because i've been with you doesn't mean i want to stay with you.
just because i like you a lot doesn't mean i've fallen in love with you.
just because i talk to a guy about everything doesnt mean hes my everything.
just because i talk to him about things i wouldn't tell my friends doesn't mean anything.
just because i talk to you doesn't mean i like you.
just because i said i loved you doesn't mean i really did.
just because you said you loved me doesn't mean you meant it.
just because i thought i could trust you doesn't mean i put my life in ur hands.
just because.. i just want to, and that's just because.

The author's comments:

just because i felt like writing today was just because.

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