Invisible Moments | Teen Ink

Invisible Moments

February 11, 2016
By KantTouchThis SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
KantTouchThis SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Universal extensionalists,
rule mindful intentionalists,
ruling the smallest extent
of their personal intent.

The belief of unlimited potential,
based on the existence of the existential,
creates restricted wisdom,
deluding delusional free will freedom.

When all is what can be,
the now cannot be free,
when all could have been,
there is nowhere to begin.

When the moment meets eternity,
time becomes absurdity,
as ends meet their beginnings,
in the mornings of the evenings.

When the here becomes there,
when the right becomes err,
imperatives become uniform,
as deform becomes reform.

Comparisons will vanish,
through the lack of advantage,
as one is all and all is one,
and one is all but none.

The author's comments:

We seem to always lose track of the present moment. The neverending cycle of the "now" exists and determines both the future and the past. This poem represents the unity of everything, both time-bound and reality-bound.

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This article has 1 comment.

tessknecht said...
on Feb. 15 2016 at 9:48 pm
Wow! Thank you Kant. This poem has done a wonderful job of coalescing my experiences with time over many years. It seems that although everything is distant and disconnected it is also one in unity. Thank you, Kant, and I hope to see more from you soon.