Eternally Interrupted | Teen Ink

Eternally Interrupted

February 15, 2016
By ewpeople BRONZE, Kamloops, Other
ewpeople BRONZE, Kamloops, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
Bob Marley

so many trees,
surrounding me.
The sun rising,
breaking through the darkness.
Shining onto the new blanket of snow,
It would have looked so beautiful.
Underneath I lay,
beaten and bruised.
I have been laying here for some time.
I don't exactly remember my life before this.
Before this moment.
Before that night.
I can remember that moment.
The moment I realized I had been drugged.
I should have known.
I should have suspected.
But we were all just having fun.
It was just fun.
Until I woke up,
dazed and confused.
I could not move.
I could not scream.
But somehow I could still feel his skin against mine,
his hands roaming my body,
exploring every inch of me.
But what would he do once he was done with me.
I knew the answer,
but I would rather pretend.
Pretend there was some hope,
pretend that he had an inch or mortality.
But as I suspected,
I was wrong.
It was slow, and excruciating.
Laying there bleeding out,
while he was thinking.
About whether to spare my life,
or the most plausible explanation,
what to do with my body.
He just disposed of me,
like trash.
I know mama told me to watch my drink,
but maybe we should be teaching them not to spike our drinks,
to not take advantage.
We should not be afraid of living.

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