She is Nobody | Teen Ink

She is Nobody

February 11, 2016
By Burnsbrat2 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Burnsbrat2 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No, she does not stand out.
She is no one.

How small and nimble she is,
a leaf dancing in the wind,
a dandelion in a field,
a soft hum dining it's song amount the storm

Always there but no one sees her,
her heart crumbling like sand as the hourglass ticks...


...and yet...
there is life!


Words may pierce her like an arrow but she smiles
Though the storm crashes all around her,
she hums her song.
She boldly looks at my darkness and says
I love you for you


She is no one, but she is someone to me.


I see her in the stars shining to among the night
You see nothing but I see everything
What a gentle, beautiful soul.

A princess that serves everyone,
a cloud floating in a big universe,
a genius hidden behind bars.


She is no one, but she is someone to me.


Like a treasure in the sea,
just because it's hidden under the weight of the water
doesn't make it one ounce less valuable


She is no one, but she is someone to me.

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