Nursing in the Navy | Teen Ink

Nursing in the Navy

March 3, 2016
By Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Solely Independent
In the new world you're entering
Challenges not yet faced
Fading faces, but some stay longer
Excited and Inspiring
Young and ready for the fight

You heal and nourish
The wounded and afflicted,
Scars which could have been death
IV’s, heart monitors, and oxygen tanks
The things you see is the work of the enemy
A lack of self worth from what they've heard
Souls are dependent on the work of your hands
Looking at you with eyes of anticipation
Surveying your every action
As you come through
They look up to you

The author's comments:

My sister is going into the Navy to be a nurse, and this was my gift to her.

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