The Secret Life of Ruby Red | Teen Ink

The Secret Life of Ruby Red

March 1, 2016
By abbeyyclousee SILVER, Flower Mound, Texas
abbeyyclousee SILVER, Flower Mound, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future - Proverbs 31:25


You would expect her to be popualr,

to hold the world in her hands

you would see her walk with confidence

to have pride in her eyes

but people dont expect the unexpected.

She likes to blend with lockers

blend with the crowd

pulling on her tear stained uniform,

she feels out of place

the people,

the words,

the gossip.

They think she doesnt know

behind the long strings of brown hair

there are hazel eyes

that hold the truth.

She hides behind the dark shadows that whisper,

"where do you belong?"


The groaning sound of the 

garage door closing

givea a signal

a light

a gleam of hope.

Her throat screams to be opened

to let something out

a melody booms across the house.

Her ruby red lips open

she sings the lyrics 

that no one but the walls can hear

racing up and down the banister

she lets it all free

the sound of purple velvet,

deep blue worlds shout tones of a rainbow.

The music ends,

the door opens,

and reality rolls in.

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