The Unbeaten Warrior | Teen Ink

The Unbeaten Warrior

March 17, 2016
By bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pella, Greece


Born into entitlement, birthright of an only son...
One of divine birth, descendant of the gods...
Born to be great...


Intelligence cloaked in debonaire, studying poetry and philosophy...
Rereading every word of the Iliad, under the tutelage of Aristotle...
Becoming the great…


Chaeronea, Greece


Young and inexperienced, grasping for respect...
Commanding the cavalry, conqueror of Athens and Thebes...
Becoming the great…




Intending to expand, devouring enemy soldiers...
Enchanting beauty, love at first-sight, Roxana his wife...
Becoming the great...




Skilled and ambitious, determined to be remembered...
Hailing him as a god, son of Ammon, savior of the Egyptians...
Becoming the great…




Death that came in the night, of mysterious and unknown cause...
The ultimate betrayal, or the cruel hand of malaria...
Remembered as the great.

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