Built for Helios | Teen Ink

Built for Helios

March 17, 2016
By aaron_nick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
aaron_nick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Year one: build on bare land.

Feet coated in bronze, filled with stones.
Keep building in honor of Helios.

Year three: layers of Earth, heightened for men.
Feet built up to legs, towering over man.
Keep building in honor of Helios.

Year nine: The earth grew up to be nine years tall.
Legs built up into stern shoulders, detectable from town.
Keep building in honor of Helios.

Year twelve: The first man made dirt mountain.
Shoulders built up to the crown, watching both land and sea.
Keep building in honor of Helios.

Year fifty four: no mountain no hill just uniform Earth.
From feet to crown built up, now mother nature's turn to construct.
Keep building in honor of Helios .

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