The World We Dream In | Teen Ink

The World We Dream In

April 14, 2016
By _alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
_alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it to be God.
– Sidney Sheldon

The world I live in has become a form of a dream.
It’s not quite a nightmare.
Though it sometimes scares me.
It’s not quite a daydream.
Though I do find myself thinking of it when my mind wanders.

It’s the type of dream you have
when you are remembering something.
It is the type of dream you have
when it is replaying though your mind.

And you see things you never saw before
hinsight always is 20/20.
And you hear things you never heard before
things you blocked out because you didn’t want to hear them.

The thing about dreams
is you cant touch anything because it’s all an illusion.
The thing about dreams
is that you swear your holding onto something but you're not.

If you keep reaching for something that isn’t there
you’ll get closer to the edge.
If you keep reaching for something that isn’t there
you’ll fall, and wake up.

The author's comments:

Figuring out life is hard...

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