In My Eyes | Teen Ink

In My Eyes

April 22, 2016
By BreanaSmits GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
BreanaSmits GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being shy is one thing that’s almost impossible to overcome.
Being shy is not being able to talk in front of large groups that know you, that judge you.
Being shy is walking down the hall and hearing people laugh and assuming it's about you, the weird girl who never talks.
Being shy is struggling to make friends because you can barely make out a hello to someone you don’t know.
Being shy is giving a speech and having your voice shake the entire time.
Being shy is sitting alone at lunch sometimes because your only two friends are busy and you’re too nervous to go sit at another table.
Being shy is living in your head because people actually talk to you there.
Being shy is struggling to make a phone call without planning out exactly, word for word, what you have to say.
Being shy is finding comfort in music rather than people.
Being shy is always told to speak up because they can’t hear you.
Being shy is having walls built up so high, the tallest skyscraper wouldn’t even compare.
Being shy is never going out and doing things because it scares you.
Being shy is the fear of asking for help.
Being shy is wanting so badly to break out of this hole but not knowing how.
Being shy is slowly making progress into being a confident person and inching out of your shell.
Being shy is who I am right now but I will change for the future.

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