A Random Assortment of Hallucinated thoughts | Teen Ink

A Random Assortment of Hallucinated thoughts

May 8, 2016
By Tee25 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
Tee25 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. - H.P. Lovecraft

Reading, we all do it, we all see these symbols and form a complex series of mental sensory images.
If you read ‘dog’ you may imagine your own childhood pet or some great dain.
All these mental images  flashing through our minds as we read a novel.
The unknown.
An indiscernible new word or phase unable to be comprehended by past experiences.
What to do?
Well as many before had done you ignore it.
With a quick mental switch, that word disappears into oblivion for ever to be forgotten.
Don’t believe me?
Think back to your favorite book and try and remember more than a select sentence word for word.
You many believe that collection of hieroglyphs to be somehow stored in some way in your brain.
But just a convoluted strip of major details fills your mind in remembering.
Now try it with a moment in your life.
Just a second.
Can’t even place that background noise always buzzing but never being heard.
The realization that nothing even happened or can be remembered so it is just as good as lost passes through your mind.
But that can’t be true you say
As some mysterious collection of photons hitting your eyes makes you question everything.

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