Because | Teen Ink


May 9, 2016
By banana16 SILVER, Mirmar, Florida
banana16 SILVER, Mirmar, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Because I shouldn’t walk home with my keys in my fists, constantly looking behind me.

Because what comes out of my mouth should be more important than the clothing that is on my body.

Because my best friend should not be called a ‘feminazi’ when she claims to believe in gender equality.

Because I should not have limitations placed on what I can say and how I can behave.

Because girls should never be afraid of being ridiculed for who they are, simply because they are girls.

Because girl hate should cease to exist.

Because gender roles should cease to exist.

Because girls should not be taught that it is necessary to meet society’s beauty standards.

Because women should have the chance to be able to do whatever they want with their bodies and their lives.

Because over 125 million girls in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East suffer from female genital mutilation.

Because the U.S is 1 of 9 countries that does not provide paid maternity leave.

Because 1 in 4 girls are married before their 18th birthday.

Because wife beating is still culturally accepted by 1 in 3 women in developing countries.

Because only 32% of national constitutions protect girls’ rights to attend middle and high school.

Because 1 in 3 women suffer sexual or physical violence.

Because the gender workforce participation gap hasn’t changed in 20 years.

Because women spend up to 5 more hours on unpaid domestic work than men.

Because women are still gaining the right to vote in 2015.

Because women deserve complete and equal participation in social, political, and economic life.

We need feminism because women of all cultures, sexualities, religions, races, and ethnicities deserve the exact same rights and opportunities as men.

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