Block them out | Teen Ink

Block them out

May 26, 2016
By AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Just sleep in and skip school,” says a hater.
“No can do,” I say back.

“Don’t workout today and take a day off,” says the hater.
“That’s not an option,” I fire back.

“Go out and party and unwind and try some new stuff,” says the hater.
“Why would I destroy my body that I’ve built through countless hours of grinding?” I spew back.

“You think you’re going to make it?” says the hater.
“Yep,” I say with confidence.

“Just quit now you’ve failed enough in your life,” says the hater.
“Yea but I’ve succeeded more than you,” I claim.

“No one even knows you,” says the hater.
“They will one day while no one will ever know you,” I say.

“Are you done? I’m on a mission and you’re in my way. Who even are you? Make yourself useful for once in your life and move before I move you. I got to make myself better today,” I scream.
“Uhhhhh,” says the hater.

“That’s what I thought,” I say as I go to strive for greatness.

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