My Metaphor | Teen Ink

My Metaphor

May 26, 2016
By Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a ocean

On a hot summer day, a girl decided to head to the beach to practice surfing. She had no idea what was coming for her.
She got her board out, tied her hair back and paddled out to wait for a wave. The water was a little chilly, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her from hitting these waves. Here comes a way.  She headed for it. When she stood up on her board and feel down. But she got right back up. My momma always said when the wave kicks you off, you just gotta get back on it and show it who’s boss. So she went back and waited for another wave. What she didn’t know was life was about to get tougher. 
That second wave came and she got up on it. She rode that wave all the way to the end, but when she jumped back in the water she felt something nudge her.BANG!  She looked down and saw a shark. She screamed and tried to swim away, but not before the shark got her leg.
Ambulance was called by a pedestrian after he had pulled her out of the water. They showed up within minutes. Her leg was amputated, but her life was saved.
Something so tragic happened to a beautiful young girl that just wanted to have fun, but that’s the thing about the ocean it’s a mystery. It’s like a mystical creature. You never know why, where or when something will happen. It like sweeps you out from under your feet.

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