Two Twisted Tornadoes | Teen Ink

Two Twisted Tornadoes

May 27, 2016
By courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who find me. I am the only one who chases them. Two twisted tornadoes with a haunting rage and mysterious strength. Two who are not welcomed here but still come here. Two youthful monsters created from above. From the window we watch them, but others are scrambling to their basements searching for cover to hide from them.

Their energy demands attention. They create reigning power through the streets. They stand tall and they stand close and bombard the city with their adventurous swirls and claw the living with electrifying hands and never speak of letting go. This is how they grow.

Let one remind others of his wantings, they’d all soar like birds in the sky, each with the desperation of sanity. Stay, stay stay, they always say. They laugh.

When I am too lonely and too tamed to stay staying, when I am a wishful warrior in the multiple scenarios, then it is when I look out the window. When there is no reality to be found anywhere. Two who conquered despite unknowing. Two who call and do not rest until they call. Two whose place is to destroy and destroy.

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