The reason why I'm late... | Teen Ink

The reason why I'm late...

May 31, 2016
By Niyology BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Niyology BRONZE, Bronx, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I told you why I was late you look at me as if I was crazy. Or say something along the lines of: it’s not that serious. Say “get over it”. But it’s not that simple. You see it was Sunday November 3, 2013. I was sitting on my bed looking out into the dark sky. No light in sight. I was looking for some sort of sign. Something as simple as a star. Maybe named North so it would lead me to what I wanted to happen, like the North led many out of slavery. I was hoping to be lead out of my slavery, my mind’s captivity and bondage.  8’ O clock, no light and I was pacing. Paced so much I started to wear a hole on my carpet. Deep, deeper than the thought of losing her that held my mind captive that night. 9 O’ clock I started to see some light. Because I had some faith. Thought i saw a sign that she would come out and beat fate. 10 O’ clock. That's when i saw it. But it wasn't the star. It was like a meteor. It hit me and burned like the salty tears that ran down my face as i came to grips with reality. That she was really gone. 96. 96 years on this earth, 96 sec. It seemed that I sat there for 96 ticks. Tik tok as i fell into a deep sleep. Fell into this pit worse than the pits of hell that burn bright and hot with no remorse. I woke up around five. I knew I had to be at work at 12, but I got drunk. Drunk off my memories. Thought that if I had a lil dose 2 caplets age 12+ I would be fine. But I needed more. I wanted to be intoxicated. Intoxicated to the point of no pain. No way back to reality. So I drank and popped memories. I Od’ed myself into a coma. I woke up around 2. Damn. I overslept, I'm so hungover and now i'm late for work. So I’ll tell you that I’m late because she died. It sounds simple to simpleton ears like yours but it’s worth being late. You won't believe ,me but it's a fact.

The author's comments:

I was instructed to pretend I was late for work and come up with a reason as to why I was late. I would be explaining this reason to my boss when I showed up late. My grandmothers passing 

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