Colorful World | Teen Ink

Colorful World

May 31, 2016
By C.Koga BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh City, Other
C.Koga BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All humans
are different.

Some people are

You might think
Life is unfair and unreasonable.




Imagine if all the differences
were shown in colors.








This world is full of colors,
Like a rainbow. 


Do you want this world
To be only only in black and white?


     I don’t.


Don’t be afraid of being different.
It’s okay to be different.




We want this world to stay colorful.

The author's comments:

I worte this article because one of my best teachers told me once that "It's a good thing to be different. People can't be exactly the same anyways.". And that quote inspired my to write this poem. 

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