Beautiful Texas | Teen Ink

Beautiful Texas

May 29, 2016
By mtran20 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
mtran20 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore

The Lone Star shines so brightly,
           over its land and nearby sea.
                     Texas is a beautiful place,
                                 a beautiful place to be…

It’s where the skies
            are clear and blue,
where the sun is bright and warm,
and where everyone’s dreams
                      really come true.

Oh, beautiful Texas…
Its beauty is as radiant as
a thousand stars.
Its grandeur is as well-known as a pop star.

Majestic hills and prairies
       beautiful rivers and streams,
           glistening under the gorgeous sunlight,
            amazing all with pure delight.

Bonfires and barbecues,
    the color of summer daylight,
                      Friday night football
                                at a big stadium at night.

Sweet tea in mason jars,
          chicken fried steak…
                    and what’s that lovely smell?
                    Some buttermilk biscuits and
                              and yummy Blue Bell.

It’s a place where everything’s fair,
            people are sweet and caring,
            blissful life everyone shares,
           nothing they say
             is boring.

Blessed are the Texans.
      They all stand tall and proud,
their hearts bursting with pride.
    Joy oozes from them all.

From Houston and Dallas,
          to Galveston and Austin.
                     North to south and east to west,
                     Oh Texas,
                     You really are the best!

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