A Spacious Room. | Teen Ink

A Spacious Room.

June 12, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A spacious room.
I open my arms, but my arms cannot reach walls.

I can breathe and my breath flies around me, but disappears over an invisible border.

Everything is smooth like a window pane.

A doorless room.
I look for a door, but my eyes cannot meet any holes.

I can try day and night, but there’s no exit.

A sophisticated trap.
Days of joy are gone.

As room gets smaller, I get stranded.
As room gets smaller, I cannot breathe.

Stale air that I released bounces back to me.
I cannot breathe.
An ecosystem in a room is perishing.

I am stuck between four walls.
They are squeezing me so bad.

I try to resist but walls are too

A room is without a single hole.
Where is some fresh air?
My voice bounces back immediately.

I wonder what will happen in this room.
Will I turn into a piece of dust?
Will a room turn into a piece of nothing, as it gets

A battle started between a room and I,
Knowing that I will be gone

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