Reach | Teen Ink


June 16, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In this intricate web of relationships,
You might feel alone on the beach.
You try to run towards the ship,
But they go further so that you can’t reach.

Are you crying?
Are you dying?
Are you sad?
Are you mad?
Are you lonely because of
Melancholy that you've locked in your heart?

In this intricate web of people,
You might feel isolated on a desolate island.
You try to run away,
To find a way, to find your day.

Are you ok?
Are you all right?



it will all come naturally like waves.

Maybe right now, you feel like you are alone.
And maybe you are alone right now.
But you never know what will happen in one decade,
One year, one week, one day, one hour, one minute and
One second.

This is the beauty of our lives.
So, hold on.

Are you ok?
Are you all right?

Are you crying?
Are you dying?
Are you sad?
Are you mad?
Are you lonely because of
Melancholy that you've locked in your heart?



You are ok.
You are all right.

Maybe look around, because you are not on a desolate island,
But you are part of the intricate silver web of people. 
Maybe look around, because the ship is not a tiny dot from the beach,
But it is easy for you to reach.

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