(It's Always) Her | Teen Ink

(It's Always) Her

June 5, 2016
By Rose_Cecily GOLD, Valley Stream, New York
Rose_Cecily GOLD, Valley Stream, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My thoughts are stars that I cannot fathom into constellations

Do you know what it feels like to fall in love with a girl?

She is beautiful.

Not just the way her hair falls on her shoulders and spills over to hide her breasts. Not just the way she can carelessly flick her head or hand, with such control over you, dismissing whatever it is you’ve just said.

She is beautiful the way a force of nature is.
Her words can cause storms that churn oceans but her smile is a sunset of the softest oranges.

Do you know what it is like to love a girl?

When she smiles, you try to memorize the creases of her cheeks and what you did right so that you can see it again and again and again.
But she’ll notice, and her smile will disappear, and you’ll be searching for days until you can find it once more.
Maybe she’ll look at you, but she isn’t truly looking at you. Not the way you look at her. She can’t understand the way you look at her, no matter how much you want her to.

Do you know what it’s like?

To be so utterly confused yet in love at the same time…
One may argue that’s the beauty of it, but sometimes all you feel is crushed between walls and labels that just keep pressing down on you.
She’s everything to you, yet you don’t know what it is you have at all.
A girl? A girl like her… leaves you waking up at night sweating, watching the rain fall with raindrops of your own, and staring hopefully at the horizon hoping that maybe the next sunrise will bring some answers.

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