Fear that haunts you | Teen Ink

Fear that haunts you

September 2, 2016
By MontanaRose BRONZE, Salt Lake, Utah
MontanaRose BRONZE, Salt Lake, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fear that haunts you
It's the fear of death
that haunts you.
The fear of war
that invades your mind.
It's the fear of losing
instead of winning.
The fear of bullets
breaking flesh and
embedded in skulls;
Blood and guts,
Splattered like war paint.
It's the fear of
returning home very much
It's the fear of memories
waiting every night
that haunts your waking hours.
It's the fear of falling back
to sleep
that keeps you wide awake.

The author's comments:

I had wanted to join the Armed forces, and through the stories I had heard from other people this is what came to mind.

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