Home Sweet Home | Teen Ink

Home Sweet Home

October 11, 2016
By Anonymous

You never know how much you’ll miss home until you’re away from it

The sounds, the smells
The comfort, the love

Everything you dislike, you’ll miss
Your siblings running around, mom shouting requests
Same meal over and over, leftovers for breakfast

You’ll visit and the sounds, the smells, the comfort, the love will overwhelm your heart
You’ll visit and your siblings running around, your mom shouting requests will fill you with joy
You’ll sit down for dinner for that same meal over and over and it’ll warm your body

Take it all in while you can
Run around with your siblings, eat that cold pizza in the morning, shout with your mom
Home sweet home

The author's comments:

I recently moved away from home and wanted to express how different everything is when you come back around to visit and how much you'll miss the little, irritating things.

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