One Planet | Teen Ink

One Planet

October 26, 2016
By SCPKalex GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
SCPKalex GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

A place of limitless discovery.
A location unlike anywhere else.
Among the infinity that is the universe
resides a place teeming with variety.

Temperate grasslands blow the cool breeze.
Pillaring forests block out the sun.
Snowy caps crown a rocky precipice
that overlooks channeling rapids.

Waterlogged rainforests define “humidity.”
Searing deserts define “death.”
Salty seashores define the boundary
between solid ground and a watery world.

Arctic biomes chill the skin.
Savannahs sweat the pores.
Prairies invoke a romantic feeling
until the storms roll in.

Expansive fields offer golden wheat.
Hidden ponds warrant bamboo.
Flower patches provide sweet nectar
before the seasons go cold.

All of this in one place.
All of this on one planet.
All of this on planet Earth
among the infinity that is the universe.

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