Fun in Fall | Teen Ink

Fun in Fall

October 26, 2016
By Kami.Peterson SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kami.Peterson SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each leaf, brushed with
reds, oranges and yellows,
sways in the crisp, cool air.
Leaves flow like a light snow dusting.

Trees blossom with apples,
ready to be picked
by families and friends
dispersing to new homes.

Leaf piles composed by kids
sit, ready to be leaped into.
A clump of crunches rustle
with each leap.

Apples make delicious treats
--pies, applesauce, jams--
unique by distinct ingredients
included with hundreds of recipes.

Family and friends gather,
savoring treats in their cozy homes
while gazing outside at the colors of fall
one of nature's alluring seasons.

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