Everything Changes | Teen Ink

Everything Changes

October 31, 2016
By elliejohnson8 SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
elliejohnson8 SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brisk breeze picks up speed
Across the red, yellow, brown, and green.
A twig snaps.
Down, down, down falls a single leaf
Floating with the caressing breeze
Waiting to kiss the earth
It lays to rest.

Colder and colder the air does get
Humidity decreasing by the day
Flakes of white plunge to the ground
Covering the now gray leaf
Fall, fall, fall the flakes descend
Less of the leaf visible by the second
A blanket of white covers the earth
It buries the leaf with it.

Rain cascades down from the hazy sky.
The once white blanket becomes slush
Revealing spots of earth in its purest form
A spot where the leaf once was
Is empty, blank, and wet
Leaving no indication of the once apparent leaf.
Warmer, warmer, warmer the temperature increases
Until the blanket is completely gone
And only the simplicity of the earth remains.

Sun scorches the earth,
Rays seeping through the translucent clouds.
Sticky air brings long days
And little change.
Cooler, cooler, cooler, dark nights sweep the skies
The air becomes brittle
And the sun hides back behind the clouds.

A gust of calm wind swarms the trees
Slightly brushing the red, yellow, brown, and green.
A twig snaps.
Down, down, down falls a single leaf
Knowing someday,
Time would turn it into nothing but dust
And it would be gone forever,
Like it never existed.

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