Forever fighters | Teen Ink

Forever fighters

November 10, 2016
By Censoredandsick GOLD, Lexington , North Carolina
Censoredandsick GOLD, Lexington , North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Quotes are for noobs

Shadow on my back
Fingers round my throat
Ready for the attack to take me under
Sword to my veins in so much vane
you made a serious mistake
I’m not the same

Ima fighter
Raise my lighter
It’s either do or die and my grave has not been dug yet
Freaking shadows
Wrap your fingers round me tighter i’m still a fighter
Suffocate me
Set my beating heart on fire
Despite your ravenous desires
I’m still a fighter

Nails digging in my skin
My patience is wearing thin
You ride on my back but dwell deep within
Ravaging the only sanity i have left but i will not be devoured tonight
I will fight i will fight i will fight
Clench my fists ready for the swing
Preparing for the final ending

Ima fighter
Raise my lighter
It’s either do or die and my grave has not been dug yet
Freaking shadows
Wrap your fingers round me tighter i’m still a fighter
Suffocate me
Set my beating heart on fire
Despite your ravenous desires
I’m still a fighter

Like a forest fire you burn every bit of life within me
And i’m tired of you making me feel lonely
Eclipse of wills
You will fear me more than i have ever feared you
I’ll take my skin and turn it inside out and shake you from my blood
I will not be you
I will not be you
I will fight for the only pieces left of my youth

I will walk to heaven and detour to hell
Kicking down your door guns blazing
For once you won’t be saved
I’ll cut you down and watch you fall
And be finished with your leech sucking once and for all
Ima fighter

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