Outside Looking In | Teen Ink

Outside Looking In

December 24, 2016
By justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
38 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love a girl who writes,
and live her many lives;
you have yet to find her,
beneath her words of guise."


i love her.
and each inch i have explored
has shown me wonders.


she is fire and brimstone.
her eyes flash like flares in the night
warning all who venture near that she is a lion in girl’s skin

her eyes always points towards the stars
and i don’t understand how she doesn't see the one
nestled in her breast.


i marvel at her small hands
and try to put logic to how she can hold so many hearts
in her palms without dropping a single one.


oh, i think love her



i hate her.
and every bite of her knuckles
makes me want to swing back.


she is a false idol.
her lips drip honey and venom at the same time
sneering as she plants kiss after kiss


her skins is like ice beneath my fingers
and yet she will sap up my heat without a single thought
to how i will get warm again.


i flinch from her smile
and try to remember why i need her so much
even though she can go on fine without me.


oh, i think i hate her



she loves me.
and that is the only answer i need.

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