Haunted by the Ghost of War | Teen Ink

Haunted by the Ghost of War

December 27, 2016
By Anonymous

I was haunted by the ghost of war
And there was no exorcist
Plagued with death
Empty eyes and blood
It was all I could see

Smiling faces
Grateful handshakes and hugs
Blind to the war
Raging inside of me

So many lives saved
And all I can think of
Is the ones that were lost
There is no bringing them back
Lost in memory

I'm alive
With so many thoughts
Why haven't I died?
Why didn't I get shot down too?

The flames rise
The taste of smoke and ash
Fill my lungs
Bodies piled up
And burned

Lost with
So much loss
It's finally over
But it's still with me
And it always shall be

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