The Dancing Grassland | Teen Ink

The Dancing Grassland

November 30, 2017
By C BRONZE, Wolcott, Connecticut
C BRONZE, Wolcott, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.-Kim Hanks

O’er silver skies per autumn days
And ‘tween the clouds and shadows’ stays
The green tsunami everlasting
Tickling the air with tongues of green
And up upon the trees, are casting
Darkness, shadows, strewn abroad
Wind breaks through this summer yawn
And dances with the tongues of green
And tastes the grassland dancing ‘tween
With feet dug deep beneath the body
Stuck in place, not free, but moving
Each are holding eachother's hands
All in all, the dancing grassland

The author's comments:

Randomly imagined a field with millions of blades of grass frolicking to and fro. This is the written result. Enjoy!

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