On Christmas Eve | Teen Ink

On Christmas Eve

December 18, 2017
By mutscjos21 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
mutscjos21 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Christmas Eve we all go to Uncle Chucks and the whole family comes down even the family from Texas.

On Christmas Eve we make tamales, tacos, deviled eggs, and more food because there is always like close to 40 people there so we have to make a lot of food.

On Christmas Eve we all play songs with the guitars and drums and hangout.

On Christmas Eve we do a secret santa so everybody gets something.

On Christmas Eve we all just have fun.

The author's comments:

i wrote this poem as a class assement i decided to use this structure because the idea came from a family tradition that means everything. I hope when people read my poem they will notice that family means everything and you are not you without family. 

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