dichotomy | Teen Ink


December 29, 2017
By marieblossom BRONZE, Irvine, California
marieblossom BRONZE, Irvine, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I. The Truth
the best thing would be
if all the unhappy in the world
went easy into the dark--
like a bad dream
faded with waking hours like
a wisp of smoke curled into nothingness
an ephemeral entity fleeting in the face of light,
and if that light
cut through obsidian depths of obscurity
dawn’s golden rays made a righteous dagger
streaking gloriously through despair,
that would be the best thing
--the best, brightest, painfully untrue thing.

II. Hope
but reality gifts echoes--
diaphanous whispers, unlikely warriors that
in their shy frailness are easily lost and difficult to find,
yet a thousand echoes coaxed out of shadows may coalesce
as one beam of sound
--which might stand a fighting chance

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a sort of meditation. It's part of my attempts to sort out my perspective on the good and the bad of life. 

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