Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 26, 2018
By libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the summer Sunday tradition,

taking the backroads to Wholly Cow for ice cream.

Riding in the buggy, getting a free ride,
and unable to make mistakes.
Dad told me it was time,
and he screwed on the training wheels. 
No more effortless rides.
I must learn the roads myself.


I’m from trembling hands,
as I approach the first hill.
My first challenge, feet petal faster.
Beneath my breath, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Trying out for school the play,
and fighting crowds to see the cast list.
My first rejection, my gut twisted.
In my head but can I?


I’m from the winning team, straight A’s, and close friends.
Taller hills have been conquered,
and I feel unstoppable.
Time passes, hills have gotten longer, steeper,
and unexpected potholes appear.
Popped tires, and broken gears.
Only secrets, stress, and sadness on mind.


I’m from slowly, and anxiously opening the letter.
Wet checks, and glistening eyes that foresee a future.
I will be attending my dream school
The backroads were worth it!
I pop up the kick stand, and give the cashier $2.50.
The sweet taste of Blue Moon ice cream hits my lips.
I’m from, “If you don’t fall, you didn’t try hard enough.”
I’m from tasting my sweet victories.

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