Where Am I From? | Teen Ink

Where Am I From?

February 21, 2018
By saintjohn SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
saintjohn SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from off-key singing
in elementary shows.
I’ve grown in my music
with piano, saxophone, and conducting.
Then I ask,
Is this what I want?

I’m from spending time on an assignment,
thinking it’s significant for my future.
Relaxing comes more naturally
with reading, silence, and prayer.
Then I wonder,
Where did my worries go?

I’m from explaining my name
because it’s not English.
I seem to tell everyone
about the translation, pronunciation, and spelling.
Then I speculate,
Did Dad and Grandpa have to do this?

I’m from travels
across the country, across borders, and across oceans.
Staying still in my seat on a plane or car.
to Texas, Ireland, and Jamaica.
There’s more to see.
Can I experience it all?

I’m from putting on a mask to be accepted
by misguided groups of friends.
Their encounters with the cops:
speeding, disruption, and vandalism.
I found better people.
What if I hadn’t?

I’m from days in church
for reasons my peers don’t understand.
My friends know why I’m there.
small groups, mission trips, youth rallies
Sometimes it’s hard to stay up.
What will happen when I fall?

I am from nowhere,
but somewhere still.
I’ve lived in 4 states and 5 houses
including Detroit, Houston, Milwaukee.
Then they ask where I’m from.
Where am I from?

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