Where I'm From, | Teen Ink

Where I'm From,

February 21, 2018
By aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from bike rides around Mackinac island,
eating chocolate caramel sea salt fudge,
watching seagulls swoop.

I am from the house on the corner
with brown bricks and white window sills,
living room as open as the relationship with my family.

I am from passionate pasta parents
whose morals reflect years and years of the Elario mottos:
“the only person that prevents you from succeeding is you” and
“with hard work, you will achieve.”

I am from a divided family
continuous love through the homes
mixed with Italy, Poland, Cuba and Mexico 

I am from sun-tanning with Dominic,
drinking cups of peach ice tea
listening to Fergie on repeat.

I am from years of short and stubiness.
Feeling self conscious about my appearance,
evolving into not caring about others opinions.

I am from sauce splattered walls.
From 16 years of lessons
on lasagna, alfredo and carbonara dishes.

I am from the time of Annaboo and Tiger.
Nights of secrets whispered in the green tent
our closeness increasing.

I am from hanging onto brick window sills
slipping, knocking out my front tooth.
I cried, but I got over it.

I am from books,
sitting on my floor,
grasping onto the words I read

I am from nighttime journeys,
crisp leaves crunching under my feet,
cool summertime breeze on my face
releasing the stress from previous days.

I am from red markers in elementary school
exploding on my face
looking like a tomato.

I am from a time of depression and loneliness
working through my struggles
evolving into a capsule happiness.

I am from my motivation
becoming a CNA and
realizing my dream.

I am from my parents
who support me,
love me and
create who I am.

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