No Man’s Land: Through the Tropical Butterfly Forest | Teen Ink

No Man’s Land: Through the Tropical Butterfly Forest

March 29, 2018
By TurnYourStones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
TurnYourStones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found myself lying on the muddy ground,
and with that finding no recollection of the events prior.
I happen to find a Grand Cherokee next to a tree, crumpled up at the hood.
In fact, the area surrounded by vegetation for miles ahead
all with the unusually encompassing fizzling air attached to my pores.

So I picked myself up and walked over to a porch
and on that porch stood a lone butterfly.
With its vibrant colors glittering across its wings,
I pulled out my arm to make a connection,
but alas it flew away into the blistering sun.

I was left lying for what felt like hours, or days with my own thoughts.
Suddenly, there was a faint humming sound out in the distance,
with a dark cloud slowly popping out of the bushes.
While all I could do was marvel at the beauty of what laid before me
the cloud strikes at a moments instant.

There was a certain floatiness with the trip into the heavens.
Perhaps because my body is being lifted by thousands of butterflies;
it was something that would’ve only came out of a dream.
Wherever they take me next, I’ll share my tale,
but for now my eyelids feel heavy.

The author's comments:

My entry for the 2018 Milwaukee Public Museum poetry contest.

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