One Ticking Clock | Teen Ink

One Ticking Clock

May 9, 2018
By libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the one I can’t keep up with.  I am the one who is made frantic by it.  One ticking clock with ticks every second and chimes every hour.  One that gives me anxiety but keeps me on track.  One chime to make my heart jump and work a little faster.  Students pens scribble frantically fearing the last chime.
Its sound creates stress.  Forever embedding more wrinkles into my forehead.  Never to speed up or slow down, yet it’s still able to creep up on me.  Forever how it will tick.
We fear the fading time but thrive on the focus our anxiety gives us. My heart now beating to the rhythm of the tick, tick, tick.  I write faster.
When I lose my train of thought, when can’t recall the answer, the sound of the ticking clock grows louder.  When the teacher says there are only five minutes left.  One drives me to go faster.  One who scares me and motivates me. One who keeps ticking.

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