Sitting Alone With a Smile. | Teen Ink

Sitting Alone With a Smile.

May 16, 2018
By Umbrella_effect BRONZE, Colville, Washington
Umbrella_effect BRONZE, Colville, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you step under my umbrella and out of the storm. you step into my domain, and you abide by my rules. 1)Only happy thoughts. 2)Only good sorts. 3)Smile. 4)Say what you need to say. 5)If you need a hug, ask. 6)You are safe here.
-Lane Esvelt

Sure I look lonely
But it's only because my Brothers off helping others.
My friends went to grab me a drink.
My love getting their braces off.
And I’m just taking
One moment
To be thankful
For everyone and everything.
so , no I’m not lonely
Are you?

The author's comments:

Sometimes when people are alone they seek out others who seem lonely. At least I do.

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